Wonderclass高度重视用户的隐私。您在使用我们的服务时,我们可能会收集和使用您的相关信息。我们希望通过本《隐私政策》向您说明,在使用我们的服务时,我们如何收集、使用、储存和分享这些信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、控制和保护这些信息的方式。本《Wonderclass用户隐私协议》与您所使用的Wonderclass服务息息相关,希望您仔细阅读,特别是以黑色字体标识的条款,您应重点阅读并在确认充分理解及同意后再开始使用,在需要时,按照本《Wonderclass用户隐私协议》的指引,作出您认为适当的选择。本《Wonderclass用户隐私协议》中涉及的相关技术词汇,我们尽量以简明扼要的表述,并提供进一步说明的链接,以便您的理解。本《Wonderclass用户隐私协议》适用于 WONDEREDU PRIVATE LIMITED(以下简称“Wonderclass”或“我们”)旗下所有的产品及服务,当您点击确认同意本政策,即表示您已充分阅读、理解且接受本协议的全部内容,并与Wonderclass达成一致,本政策对您及Wonderclass均具有法律约束力,您同意我们按照本政策(包括更新版本)收集、存储、使用、加工、传输和分享您的相关信息。
(a) 未明确声明本隐私政策适用的 Wonderclass 以外的服务(例如,我们或我们的关联公司提供或运营的其他产品或服务);
(b) 您可通过 Wonderclass 访问的任何第三方服务(包括任何第三方网站);或
(c) 在 Wonderclass 上宣传或提供产品或服务的公司或组织。
您使用或继续使用我们的服务,即意味着同意我们按照本《Wonderclass用户隐私协议》收集、存储、使用、加工、传输 和分享您的相关信息。
1. 我们可能收集的信息
1.1 您提供的信息
1.1.1 「Wonderclass」专注于针对3-12岁提供在线学习课程。要使用其中任一项之服务时,您必须成为「Wonderclass」正式会员。当您注册Wonderclass账号或使用Wonderclass提供的服务时,您需要向Wonderclass提供您的姓名、手机号码。Wonderclass将根据法律规定核实您的身份信息。如选择以信用卡或者银行卡方式支付费用,在选择特定支付方式时您需要提供您的信用卡或银行卡信息给我们,以便您购买想要的服务产品。我们会将这些数据加密储存在一个安全的服务器中,我们采取严格的内部控制措施,严格限定仅团队成员才能访问您的信息。
1.1.4 除了索取个人资料外,在会员事先同意的情况下,「Wonderclass」还可能向会员索取其个人数据(如职业、教育背景、学生年龄及性别),以便提升「Wonderclass」的产品、服务、宣传及营销成效。「Wonderclass」可能会利用此类个人数据,来制作有关用户群的整体报告,此类个人数据及整体报告皆为不具名形式,不会包含能识别您个人资料的内容。
1.1.5 除上述信息外,在您同意的前提下,Wonderclass还可能为了提供服务及提高服务质量之必需而收集您与Wonderclass的客户服务团队沟通时所提供的相关信息。
1.2 我们获取的您的信息
1.2.1 日志信息,指您使用我们的服务时,系统可能通过cookies、web beacon或其他方式自动采集的技术信息,包括:
a) 设备或软件信息,例如您的移动设备、网页浏览器或用于接入我们服务的其他程序所提供的配置信息、您的IP地址和移动设备所用的版本和设备识别码;
b) 在使用我们服务时搜索或浏览的信息,例如您使用的网页搜索词语、访问的社交媒体页面url地址,以及您在使用我们服务时浏览或要求提供的其他信息和内容详情;
c) 有关您曾使用的移动应用(APP)和其他软件的信息,以及您曾经使用该等移动应用和软件的信息;
d) 您通过我们的服务进行通讯的信息,例如曾通讯的账号,以及通讯时间、数据和时长;
e) 您通过我们的服务分享的内容所包含的信息(元数据),例如拍摄或上传的照片或录像的日期、时间或地点等。
1.2.2 位置信息,包括您或其他用户提供的包含您所处地理位置的信息。
1.2.3 为了给您提供完善的产品和服务,在获得您的同意的前提下,您在使用我们产品或服务时,我们将通过摄像头、话筒等录音录像设备,在我们服务过程中所录制的信息,例如课程录音录像等。
1.2.4 客服信息。为便于与您联系、尽快帮助您解决问题或记录相关问题的处理方案及结果,我们可能会保存您与我们的通信/通话记录及相关内容(包括账号信息、订单信息、您为了证明相关事实提供的相关信息,或您留下的联系方式信息),如果您针对具体服务进行咨询、投诉或提供建议的,我们会使用您的平台帐号信息和订单信息。
"非个人信息" 指正常情况下无法直接或间接识别您的身份的任何信息。
"个人信息" 指与您相关且可用于(直接或间接)识别您身份的任何信息或信息组合。
"共享信息" 指您在 Wonderclass上自愿共享的关于您或与您相关的信息。共享信息可能包括您在 Wonderclass 上发表的内容(包括公开个人资料、您创建的列表,以及通过您设备上的摄像头和/或麦克风传感器并经过您事先同意而访问的照片、视频或录音)。共享信息还包括正在使用 Wonderclass 的其他人共享的关于您的信息(包括位置数据和日志数据)。
本隐私政策中在提及 "信息" 时均同时包括个人信息和非个人信息。
2. 我们可能如何使用您的信息
2.1 我们可能将在向您提供服务的过程之中所收集的信息用作下列用途:
信息 | 处理目的 |
注册数据和登录数据。 您的姓名、用户昵称、手机号码、密码、性别和 IP 地址。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订的提供您的 Wonderclass 个人资料并提供 Wonderclass 服务的合同所必须。 | 在Wonderclass 上开立和登录用户帐号;向您通知 Wonderclass 的变更;促进沟通;为您提供用户支持;实施我们的条款、条件和政策;提供个性化帮助和指导;提供个性化帮助和指导;更好地了解您如何访问和使用 Wonderclass;开发新服务和改进现有服务;提供语言和位置定制;以弹窗、邮件、电话或短信形式向您提供广告;保护我们或其他 Wonderclass 用户的任何权利、财产或安全;管理 Wonderclass 及用于内部运营目的,包括问题解决、数据分析、测试、研究、安全、欺诈检测、帐号管理与调查目的。 |
共享信息 - 个人资料数据。 您纳入公开可见的 Wonderclass 个人资料中的任何信息,可能包括您的个人资料 ID、姓名和照片。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订的提供您的 Wonderclass 个人资料并提供 Wonderclass 服务的合同所必须。 | 按照您的指示和请求管理 Wonderclass 平台;提供个性化帮助和指导;提供语言和位置定制;开发新服务和改进现有服务;更好地了解您如何访问和使用 Wonderclass;按照您的指示和请求维护您的 Wonderclass 帐号。 |
其他帐号安全。 应急联系人、托管设备、电子邮件地址、Facebook 账号、微信号以及(如果您选择使用)信用卡号、面部识别/检测和/或使用Apple登录。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订的提供并保障您的 Wonderclass 帐号的合同所必须。 | 验证您的身份;保障您的帐号安全。 |
日志数据。 见上文定义。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 确保我们服务的安全、管理注册并完善我们的服务符合我们的合法利益。 | 更好地了解您如何访问和使用 Wonderclass;管理 Wonderclass;用于内部运营目的,包括问题解决、数据分析、测试、研究、安全、欺诈检测和帐号管理。 |
位置信息。 见上文定义。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订的提供 Wonderclass 位置相关服务的合同所必须。 | |
用于安全、欺诈检测和帐号管理目的(例如,确保您的帐号没有可疑登录);为您提供您选择使用的基于位置的服务;用于我们的市场营销战略分析或内部业务分析。 | |
信用卡信息法律依据(欧洲经济区): 我们依据适用法律规定的相关义务处理这些数据。 | 在一些地区,我们会出于确认家长或监护人同意未成年人使用 Wonderclass 的目的收集信用卡信息,并通过第三方支付处理服务对信用卡信息进行验证。此信息不会永久存储在 Wonderclass 服务器上,一旦第三方支付处理服务对验证请求进行了处理,这一信息将会得到处置。 |
客户服务信息。 您向我们的客户服务团队提供的任何信息。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订以提供及支持 Wonderclass 服务的合同所必须。 | 就您提出的问题展开调查。 |
社交联系信息。 您的微信号或 Facebook账号。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 为履行我们与您签订的提供 Wonderclass 服务的合同所必须。 | 如果您选择将第三方社交媒体帐号与您的 Wonderclass 帐号相关联,则我们将处理此信息以方便通过社交媒体帐号登录Wonderclass。如果您有意向分享Wonderclass的相关内容,而且您选择将该内容共享到经身份认证第三方社交媒体帐号,则 Wonderclass 将提供相关帮助。 |
调查如果您决定参与调查,我们会要求您提供某些个人信息。我们可能会聘请服务提供商来开展这些调查,并且会在您完成此调查之前告知您这一情况。 | |
法律依据(欧洲经济区): 我们会在取得您同意之后收集该信息。 | 更好地了解您如何访问和使用 Wonderclass;提供个性化帮助和指导;开发新服务和改进现有服务;改进 Wonderclass 以及响应客户请求和偏好。 |
假名和聚合数据。 我们会假名化和聚合某些个人信息来改进我们的服务。法律依据(欧洲经济区): 确保我们服务的安全、管理注册并完善我们的服务符合我们的合法利益。 | 对应用中获得使用的功能或操作进行分析以改进应用体验;欺诈检测和帐号安全分析;针对多个项目进行用户人口统计分析(例如,地区、手机型号、操作系统平台、系统语言和 Wonderclass 版本),以便更好地了解我们的用户如何使用 Wonderclass。 |
3. 您如何访问和控制自己的个人信息
一些国家的法律赋予 Wonderclass 用户特定的权利,这些权利在本节中列出。
您对我们所持有的关于您的个人信息拥有某些权利。其中的部分权利仅在特定情况下适用,详见下文。 我们规定了如何行使这些权利。请注意,在响应您的任何权利行使请求之前,我们将要求您验证您的身份。我们必须在一个月内对您的权利行使请求作出响应,不得无故拖延(但在某些情况下,响应时间可延长两个月,例如,请求涉及大量信息或其他方面比较复杂)。要行使您的任何权利,请与我们的数据保护责任人联系。 访问与更正
Wonderclass 会根据您的要求为您提供信息,告诉您我们是否持有您的任何个人信息。您还有权访问我们所持有的关于您的个人信息并有权了解我们如何使用它们及与谁共享它们。此外,您还有权更正这些信息。
您可以随时登录您的 Wonderclass 帐号访问您的个人信息。
不过还请注意,如果我们有充分的法律依据(例如,为了就法律诉讼进行辩护、言论自由或一些其他法律义务),我们可能会保留个人信息,而如果属于这种情况,我们会通知您。 如果您已请求我们为您擦除我们已公开的个人信息且有擦除理由,则我们将采取合理步骤尝试告诉当前显示您个人信息或提供指向这些信息的链接的其他人也将其擦除。
若我们对本隐私政策做出需让您知晓的任何重要变更,我们会通过此链接发布更新后的隐私政策,并在变更生效前用 Wonderclass 或其他方式通知您。
您可以随时利用更新个人资料档案来停止这些服务,并随时可以到个人档案中变更或更新资料,您只需登入Wonderclass账户在“账号信息”下进行编辑或者通过拨打电话(中国大陆地区可直接拨打400-088-8366;非中国大陆地区用户可拨打86 400-088-8366) 与我们联系进行修改。我们将尽一切可能采取适当的技术手段,保证您可以访问、更新、更正、删除自己的注册信息或使用我们的服务时提供的其他个人信息。在访问、更新、更正和删除前述信息时,我们可能会要求您进行身份验证,以保障账户安全。
4. 我们可能分享的信息
4.1 除以下情形外,未经您同意,我们以及我们的关联公司不会与任何第三方分享您的个人信息:
a) 向您提供我们的服务;
b) 实现“我们可能如何使用信息”部分所述目的;
c) 履行我们在课程服务或本《隐私政策》中的义务和行使我们的权利;
d) 理解、维护和改善我们的服务。
4.2 如我们或我们的关联公司与任何上述第三方分享您的个人信息,我们将努力确保该等第三方在使用您的个人信息时遵守本《隐私政策》及我们要求其遵守的其他适当的保密和安全措施。
4.2.1 随着我们业务的持续发展,我们以及我们的关联公司有可能进行合并、收购、资产转让或类似的交易,您的个人信息有可能作为此类交易的一部分而被转移。我们将在转移前通知您。
4.2.2 我们或我们的关联公司还可能为以下需要而保留、保存或披露您的个人信息: a) 遵守适用的法律法规;
b) 遵守法院命令或其他法律程序的规定;
c) 遵守相关政府机关的要求;
d) 为遵守适用的法律法规,或保护我们的客户、我们或我们的集团公司、其他用户或雇员的人身和财产安全或合法权益所合理必需的用途。
4.3 我们可能与合作伙伴合作举办营销活动,并与其分享活动过程中产生的、为完成活动所必要的一些信息,以便您能参与活动、我们的合作伙伴能及时与您联系、发放奖品。
4.4 第三方SDK类服务商:为了向用户提供更好的服务和用户体验,我们产品中可能会包含第三方SDK,请在授权第三方使用此类信息时谨慎考虑。以下为第三方SDK类服务商名单:
4.4.1 产品名称:先声
第三方公司名称:北京先声智能科技有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.2 产品名称:声网
第三方公司名称:上海兆言网络科技有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.3 产品名称:神策 使用场景描述:搜集课程内容的加载失败信息
第三方公司名称:神策网络科技(北京)有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.4 产品名称:腾讯云音视频
第三方公司名称:腾讯云计算(北京)有限责任公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.5 产品名称:阿里云业务
使用场景描述: 性能监控-搜集设备性能的加载失败信息 热修复-修复设备性能的加载失败问题 一键登陆-用于在登陆时进行快捷登陆
个人信息字段:设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、 MAC 地址及 IMEI 、 IDFA 、 OAID 及其他设备标识符等软硬件特征信息)、设备所在位置相关信息
第三方公司名称:北京阿里巴巴云计算技术有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.6 产品名称:易盾
第三方公司名称:杭州网易易盾科技有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.7 产品名称:微信开放平台
第三方公司名称:深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.4.8 产品名称:bugly 使用场景描述:解决监控设备崩溃、闪退等问题
个人信息字段:设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、 MAC 地址及 IMEI 、 IDFA 、 OAID 及其他设备标识符等软硬件特征信息)、设备所在位置相关信息
第三方公司名称:深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司 隐私政策链接:
4.5 如果您是欧洲经济区或加州居民,请参考本隐私政策针对欧洲经济区或加州居民的说明部分。
根据《加州消费者隐私法》(“CCPA”)和其他适用法律,本附录之条款适用于加州居民。CCPA 为加州居民提供了若干法定权利,如访问、删除、披露或“不出售”。这些权利并非绝对,存在一些例外情况。
在过去 12 个月,通过您对 Wonderclass 的使用,我们可能已收集并披露了来自或关于 CCPA 所界定的消费者的以下类别的个人信息:
在过去 12 个月,我们并未以 CCPA 界定的“出售”方式出售加州居民的个人信息。
CCPA 项下的权利
如果您是加州居民,但 CCPA 不承认适用于您或您的个人信息的豁免,您有权:
我们致力于依照 CCPA 在 45 天内满足您所有合理请求。必要时,我们将再延期 45 天,并附上延迟的解释说明。
首先,您可能想要登录自己的帐号并在该界面管理您的数据。如果您是 CCPA 适用的加州居民,您可联系我们,行使您对其他数据的权利(如有)。
5. 信息安全
5.1 我们将按下表中所述保留您的个人信息,但法律要求我们另行保留此类数据的情况除外。如果您或我们出于任何理由而终止了您的帐号,则我们将在此帐号终止后的合理期限内(受技术限制)采取措施,确保您的个人信息通过 Wonderclass 不再可用,或无法以其他方式为我们所用。
信息 | 处理目的 |
注册信息 | 直到您指示 Wonderclass 删除您的帐号或未登录时间到达 180 天。您的帐号将于验证帐号所有权与帐号删除请求后的 60 天内永久删除。 |
登录数据 | 自登录之日起,信息保留 3 个月。 |
用户个人资料搜索数据 | 直到您请求删除或修订个人信息,或者您的帐号被删除,以两者中时间较早的为准。 |
个人资料(所有用户均可查看) | 直到您请求删除或修订个人信息,或者您的帐号被删除,以两者中时间较早的为准(然而,缓存在第三方服务中的数据可能仍可用)。 |
个人信息(所有用户均可查看) | 直到您请求删除或修订个人信息,或者您的帐号被删除,以两者中时间较早的为准(然而,缓存在第三方服务中的数据可能仍可用)。 |
其他帐号安全 | 直到您请求删除或修订个人信息,或者您的帐号被删除,以两者中时间较早的为准(然而,缓存在第三方服务中的数据可能仍可用)。 |
聊天 — 用户间的非持久性和半持久性通信 | 数据自相关交互开始时间起保留 120 小时,然后会被永久删除。 |
聊天 - 图像、视频、音频和文件等媒体 | 数据自相关交互开始时间起保留 72 小时,然后会被永久删除。 |
联系人列表 | 直到您请求删除或修订个人信息,或者您的帐号被删除,以两者中时间较早的为准。 |
基于位置的服务和基于位置的媒体 | 数据自相关交互开始时间起保留 72 小时,然后会被永久删除。 |
提供第三方产品和服务(即,您是公众号或小程序的提供商) | 直到您指示 Wonderclass 删除您的帐号。您的帐号将于验证帐号所有权与帐号删除请求后的 60 天内永久删除。请注意,披露给第三方的信息由第三方控制。我们将尽合理的努力谋求他们像我们一样删除此类信息。 |
提供给客户服务的信息 | 直到您指示 Wonderclass 删除您的帐号。您的帐号将于提出帐号删除请求后的 60 天内永久删除。 |
元数据/日志数据 | 数据自登录之日起保留 3 个月,然后会被永久删除。 |
设备数据 | 直到您指示 Wonderclass 删除您的帐号。您的帐号将于提出帐号删除请求后的 60 天内永久删除。 |
Cookie | 数据自登录之日起保留 3 个月,然后会被永久删除。 |
5.2 为了保障您的信息安全,Wonderclass公司会在现有技术水平下采取合理必要的措施来保护您的信息,采取物理、技术和行政管理安全措施来降低丢失、误用、非授权访问、披露和更改的风险,包括但不限于传输层数据加密、防火墙和加密存储、物理访问控制以及信息访问授权控制。为此我们设置了安全程序保护您的信息不会被未经授权的访问所窃取。所有的个人信息被加密储存并放置于专业防火墙内,并请您理解并明白,由于存在的各种各样的无法预知或现有技术无法防御的恶意手段,即便Wonderclass公司尽力采取上述措施,您的信息仍有可能被泄漏、毁损或灭失。
5.3 在信用卡或银行卡数据透过网络传送给「Wonderclass」之前,这些数据都经过「Wonderclass」的安全服务器予以加密处理。在登入时,「Wonderclass」也坚持使用密码认证,避免您的个人资料档案及学习记录在未经授权的状况下被存取。如果数据泄露导致您的权利和自由遭受风险,我们会在72小时内通知监管机构和数据主体。数据主体有权向监管机构提出投诉。
5.4 您在使用Wonderclass服务时,请妥善保管好您的Wonderclass账号及其密码,我们会通过您的账号及其密码来识别您的身份。一旦您泄漏了Wonderclass账号及其密码,您可能会丢失您的信息,并可能产生对您不利的法律后果。如您发现Wonderclass账号及其密码因任何原因已经或将受到泄漏时,您应该立即和我们取得联系,但在我们知悉此种情况和在合理时间内采取行动前,我们对此不负任何责任。
5.5 您可以随时登录自己的账户查看或修改账户设置和信息。
5.6 您也可以通过拨打400-088-8366(非中国大陆地区用户可拨打86 400-088-8366)或通过客服与我们联系要求注销Wonderclass账户。如果您注销了Wonderclass账户,我们会在数据库中将您的账户进行相应的标记。
6. 您分享的信息
7. 您分享的敏感个人信息
7.1 某些个人信息因其特殊性可能被认为是敏感个人信息,例如您的种族、宗教、个人健康和医疗信息等。相比其他个人信息,敏感个人信息受到更加严格的保护。
7.2 请注意,您在使用我们的服务时所提供、上传或发布的内容和信息(例如有关您社交活动的照片等信息),可能会泄露您的敏感个人信息。您需要谨慎地考虑,是否在使用我们的服务时披露相关敏感个人信息。
7.3 一旦在Wonderclass发布您的敏感个人信息,即代表您同意按本《隐私政策》所述的目的和方式来处理您的敏感个人信息。
8. 我们可能如何收集及使用cookies及web beacon
8.1 我们或我们的第三方合作伙伴,可能通过cookies收集和使用您的信息,并将该等信息储存为日志信息。
8.2 我们使用自己的cookies,目的是为您提供更个性化的用户体验和服务,并用于以下用途:
8.2.1 记住您的身份。例如:cookies有助于我们辨认您作为我们的注册用户的身份,或保存您向我们提供的有关您的喜好或其他信息;
8.2.2 分析您使用我们服务的情况。例如,我们可利用cookies来了解您使用我们的服务进行什么活动,或哪些网页或服务最受您的欢迎;
8.2.3 广告优化。Cookies和web beacon有助于我们根据您的信息,向您提供与我们的服务相关的广告。
8.3 我们为上述目的使用cookies的同时,可能将通过cookies收集的非个人身份信息,经统计加工后提供给广告商或其他合作伙伴,用于分析用户如何使用我们的服务,并用于我们的广告服务。
8.4 我们的产品和服务上可能会有广告商或其他合作方放置的cookies和web beacon。这些cookies和web beacon可能会收集与您相关的非个人身份信息,以用于分析用户如何使用该等服务、向您发送您可能感兴趣的广告,或用于评估广告服务的效果。这些第三方cookies和web beacon收集和使用该等信息,不受本《隐私政策》约束,而是受相关使用者的隐私政策约束,我们不对第三方的cookies或web beacon承担责任。
8.5 您可以通过浏览器设置拒绝或管理cookies。但请注意,如果停用cookies或web beacon,您有可能无法享受最佳的服务体验,某些服务也可能无法正常使用。
8.6 我们的网站会记录您设备的IP地址与浏览器的类型,用户的浏览行为和操作行为等,但我们并不会将这些数据与可以识别您身份的任何东西连结在一起。也就是说我们会追踪会员的使用状况,但会员仍然会保持在隐形的状态中。我们记录这些信息的原因,是为了要确认客户使用形态与网站的使用状况,以协助我们改善「Wonderclass」的设计与编排格式。
9. 广告服务
9.1 我们可能使用您的相关信息,向您提供与您更加相关的广告。
9.2 我们也可能使用您的信息,通过我们的服务、电子邮件或其他方式向您发送营销信息,提供或推广我们或第三方的如下商品和服务:
9.2.1 我们的商品或服务,我们的关联公司和合作伙伴的商品或服务(统称“Wonderclass服务”);
9.2.2 第三方互联网服务供应商。
9.3 如您不希望我们将您的个人信息用作前述广告用途,您可以通过我们在广告中提供的相关提示,或通过联系我们的数据保护责任人,要求我们停止为上述用途使用您的个人信息。
10. 我们可能向您发送的邮件和信息
10.1 邮件和信息推送
10.2 与服务有关的公告
11. 未成年人使用我们的服务
12.1我们高度重视未成年人的信息保护,——如您为未成年人的,请您的父母或监护人仔细阅读本隐私权政策及《儿童隐私政策》,并在征得您的父母或监护人同意的前提下使用我们的服务或向我们提供信息。 对于经父母或监护人同意使用我们的产品或服务而收集未成年人个人信息的情况,我们只会在法律法规允许,父母或监护人明确同意或者保护未成年人所必要的情况下使用、共享、转让或披露此信息。我们将遵循正当必要、知情同意、目的明确、安全保障、依法利用的原则,根据相关法律法规及本政策的规定保护未成年人的个人信息。
12.2 为加强对未成年人个人信息的保护,除遵循本隐私政策项下的其他规定外,我们还将遵循正当必要、知情同意、目的明确、安全保障、依法利用的原则,根据相关法律法规及本隐私政策的规定保护未成年人的个人信息,具体内容如下:
12.2.2 我们将指定专人负责未成年人信息保护,任何工作人员访问未成年人的个人信息的,必须经未成年人信息保护人员书面审批(包括电子邮件、短信、微信此类电子信息交互方式),并形成访问情况的书面记录;同时,采取不低于行业同行的技术措施,避免违法复制、下载未成年人的个人信息。
12.2.3 我们向第三方转移未成年人的个人信息的,除再次征得未成年人监护人的同意及满足上述原则外,将自行或者委托第三方机构进行安全评估,并形成书面评估报告。
13. 变更
联系电话:400-088-8366(非中国大陆地区用户可拨打:86 400-088-8366)
The scope and apply of Policy
Wonderclass values user privacy. We may collect and use information about you when you use our services. Through this Privacy Policy (“Policy”), we wish to explain to you how we collect, use, store and share this information when using our services, and how we provide you with access, update, control and protection of this information. This Policy is relevant to the Wonderclass services you use and we would like you to read them carefully, especially the terms in bold, and you should assure that you are fully understand and be consent with Policy before you start using them, and, if necessary, make the choices which are appropriate for you in accordance with the guidelines of Policy.
The technical terms covered in this Policy are as concise as possible and provide links to further clarifications for your understanding. This Policy applies to all products and services of WONDEREDU PRIVATE LIMITED (“Wonderclass” or “We”), and when you click Confirm button, you have fully read, understood, and accepted the full contents of Policy, which is legally binding on you and Wonderclass. You agree that we collect, store, use, process, transfer and share your information in accordance with Policy, including updated versions.
Please note that Policy does not apply to information that you choose to disclose or submit to:
(a) services other than Wonderclass that are not expressly stated to be applicable to Policy (e.g., other products or services offered or operated by us or our affiliates);
(b) any third-party services (including any third-party websites) that you may access through Wonderclass, or;
(c) companies or organizations that promote or provide products or services on Wonderclass.
When Policy referring to “you” or “yours”. these terms include you and any associates. If you or any associates would like to request us remove your personal information from our database, please email security@happy-seed.com contact us.
By using or continuing to use our Services, you consent to our collection, storage, use, processing, transmission and sharing of your information in accordance with Policy.
If you have any questions or need to complain about Policy or our use of your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing security@happy-seed.com or by sending a letter to the Building C5, Second Phase of Economic Zone, East Science City Headquarters, Yingri Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou.
If you would like to make any complaints about Policy or our implementation of Policy, please also contact us through the contact details above. Please note that if you are a resident of the European Union, you have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority in your country.
1.Information we may collect
We may collect, store and use the following information about you when we provide our services. If you do not provide the relevant information, you may not be able to register as a user of ours or enjoy the services we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the desired results of the services.
1.1 The information you provide
1.1.1 Wonderclass focuses on providing online learning courses for 3 to 12 years old. To use any of these services, you must become an official member of Wonderclass. When you sign up for a Wonderclass account or use the services provided by Wonderclass, you will need to provide Wonderclass with your name and mobile phone number. Wonderclass will verify your identity as required by law. If you choose to pay with a credit card or debit card, you will need to provide us with your credit card or debit card information when selecting a specific payment method so that you can purchase the service product you want. We store this data encrypted in a secure server, and we have strict internal controls that restrict access to your information and limited team members can be granted access to your information.
1.1.2 Wonderclass requires members to provide personal data primarily for the convenience of providing users with exclusive learning services. Unless you agree, Wonderclass will not disclose, resell or exchange the personal data of the members with other third parties.
1.1.3 Wonderclass may require you to provide your personal data (e.g. name, email address, address, WeChat number, gender, language, student age, religious belief, race), which Wonderclass needs to serve the members quickly and easily and continuously optimize the content of the service to better meet its usage needs. In addition, Wonderclass may permit certain third parties to use your personal data, subject to local law or your consent. However, Wonderclass does not provide third parties with privacy information about members’ credit cards or debit cards. If a member is redirected to a third-party payment page when payment is made, such third party will collect payment information directly from the customers. Please refer to the third-party privacy policy for details.
1.1.4 In addition to requesting personal information, Wonderclass may also request other personal data (e.g. occupation, educational background, age and gender) from members with their prior consent in order to improve Wonderclass’s products, services, promotional and marketing effectiveness. Wonderclass may use such personal data to produce comprehensive reports upon the whole user group basis, which are anonymous and do not contain any content that identifies your personal data.
1.1.5 In addition to the above information, Wonderclass may collect information you provide with your consent when you communicate with Wonderclass customer service team in order to provide services and improve the quality of service.
1.2 The information we obtain from you
The information we obtain about you may be collected when you use the Services:
1.2.1 Log information, which means that when you use our Services, the system may use cookie, web beacons Technical information automatically collected by other means, including:
a) The device or software information, such as configuration information provided by your mobile device, web browser or other programs used to access our Services, your IP address, the version and IMEI of your mobile device;
b) The information searched or viewed while using our Services, such as the search terms you use, the URL address of the social media pages you visit, and other information and content details that you browse or request when using our Services;
c) The information of other software, and the information about mobile applications and software that you have used;
d) The information of communication you make through our software, for example, the time, content and duration of the communication.
e) The information (metadata) contained in the content you share through our Services, such as the date, time, or place of the photo or video taken or uploaded.
1.2.2 Location information, including information provided by you or other users that includes your geographic location.
1.2.3 In order to provide you with perfect products and services, we will use the camera, microphone and other audio and video equipment with your consent, when you use our products or services, to record the information during our services, such as course audio and video recording.
1.2.4 Customer Service Information. To facilitate contact you, to help you resolve issues as soon as possible, or to document the handling of issues, we may store your communications/call logs with us and related content (including account information, order information, information you provide to support the relevant facts, or contact information you leave behind), and we may use your platform account information and order information if you make inquiries, complaints or suggestions about specific services.
“Non-personal information” means any information that would normally not directly or indirectly identify you.
“Personal information” means any combination of information or information that is relevant to you and may be used (directly or indirectly) to identify you.
“Shared information” means information about you or related to you that you voluntarily share on Wonderclass. Shared information may include content you post on Wonderclass(including public profiles, lists you create, and photos, videos, or recordings accessed through the camera and/or microphone sensors on your device with your prior consent). Shared information also includes information about you, including location and log data, that is shared by others who are using Wonderclass.
“Information” referred in Policy includes non-personal information and personal information.
2. How we may use your information
2.1 The information we may collect in the process of providing services to you is used for the following purposes:
This section details the types of personal information we collect from you and the reason of collection. For users residing in the European Economic Area, it also clarifies the legal basis for our processing of your data:
Information | Purpose |
Sign-up data and login data: Your name, nickname, mobile phone number, password, gender, and IP address. | |
Legal basis (European Economic Area, “EEA”): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide your Wonderclass profile and provide Wonderclass services. | Sign up and log in user accounts on Wonderclass; Notify you with the changes of Wonderclass; Facilitate communication; Provide support;Implement our terms, conditions and policies;Provide personalized help and guidance;Get a better understanding on how you access and use Wonderclass;Develop new services and improve existing services; Provide language and location customization;Provide pop-up windows, e-mail, advertise to you by phone or text message;Protect any rights, property or security of us or other Wonderclass users;Manage Wonderclass and use it for internal operational purposes, including problem resolution, data analysis, testing, research, security, fraud detection, account management, and investigation purposes. |
Share information - profile data: Any information you include in your publicly visible Wonderclass profile may include your profile ID, name, and photo.Legal Basis (EEA): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide your Wonderclass profile and Provide Wonderclass services. | Manage the Wonderclass platform in accordance with your instructions and requests;Provide personalized help and guidance;Provide language and location customization;Develop new services and improve existing ones;Get a better understand on how you access and use Wonderclass;Maintain your Wonderclass account in accordance with your instructions and requests. |
Other accounts are secure: Emergency contacts, managed devices, email addresses, Facebook account, WeChat account, and (if you choose to use) credit card numbers, facial recognition/detection, and/or Apple account. Legal basis (EEA): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide and protect your Wonderclass account. | Verify your identity and keep your account secure. |
Log data: See definition above. Legal basis (EEA): Ensure the security, manage sign-up and improvement of our services. | Get a better understand on how you access and use Wonderclass;Manage Wonderclass;Manage Wonderclass for internal operational purposes, including problem resolution, data analysis, testing, research, security, fraud detection, and account management. |
Location information: See definition above. Legal basis (EEA): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide Wonderclass location-related services. | For security, fraud detection, and account management purposes (e.g., to ensure no suspicious login to your account);Provide you with location-based services that you choose to use, or for our marketing strategy or internal business analysis. |
Credit card information Legal basis (EEA): We process this data in accordance with applicable legal obligations. | In some areas, credit card information may be collected to confirm that parents’ or guardians’ consents to minors using Wonderclass and verified through third-party payment processing services. This information is not permanently stored on the Wonderclass server and will be disposed of once the authentication request has been processed by a third-party payment processing service. |
Customer service information: Any information you provide to our customer service team. Legal basis (EEA): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide and support Wonderclass services. | Investigate the issues you have raised. |
Social contact information: Your WeChat account or Facebook account. Legal basis (EEA): Necessary to fulfill our contract with you to provide Wonderclass services. | If you choose to link a third-party social media account with your Wonderclass account, we will process this information to facilitate login to Wonderclass through your social media account. Wonderclass will help if you are interested in sharing Wonderclass-related content and you choose to share that content with an authenticated third-party social media account. |
Survey: If you decide to participate in the survey, we will ask you to provide certain personal information. We may hire a service provider to conduct these surveys and will inform you of this before you complete the survey. Legal basis (EEA): We will collect this information with your consent. | Help us understand better on how you access and use Wonderclass; Provide personalized assistance and guidance; Develop new services and improve existing ones; Improve Wonderclass, and respond to customer requests and preferences. |
Pseudonyms and aggregated data: We use pseudonyms and aggregate certain personal information to improve our services.Legal basis (EEA): It is in our legitimate interest to ensure the security of our services, to manage registration and to improve our services. | Analyze features or actions used in your app to improve the app experience;Fraud detection and account security analytic; Conduct user demographic analysis (e.g., region, phone model, operating system platform, system language, and Wonderclass version) for multiple projects to get a better understand on how our users use Wonderclass. |
3.How you access and control your personal information
Some specific rights may be granted by law in certain nations. They are listed in this section.
The following sections are only available to residents of the European Economic Area.
You have certain rights over your personal information we have. Some of these rights apply only in certain circumstances, as detailed below.
We specify how these rights are exercised. Please note that we will ask you to verify your identity before responding to any request for the exercise of your rights. We must respond to your request for the exercise of your rights within one month without undue delay (in some cases the response time may be extended by two months, for example, the request involves a large amount of information or otherwise more complex). To exercise any of your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
Access and Corrections
Wonderclass will provide you with information upon your request to tell you whether we hold any of your personal information. You also have access to the personal information we hold about you and the right to know how we use them and with whom we share them. In addition, you have the right to correct this information.
You can access your personal information at any time by logging in your Wonderclass account.
If you believe that we hold any other personal information, or that you would like to correct information that you cannot correctly using your account, please contact our Customer Service or Data Protection Officer. If providing certain personal information interferes with the rights of others, we may not be able to provide you with that information (for example, providing the personal information we hold about you may reveal information about another person).
For correction requests, if we agree that the personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, we will attempt to tell any third party to whom we have disclosed the relevant personal information so that they can also correct it.
You can delete your account or remove some personal information by following the account deletion instructions here. If you believe that we should erase any other personal information we process, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
You may request that we erase the personal information we hold if
Please also note that you may exercise your right to restrict our processing of your personal information (described below) while we are considering your data erasure request.
Please also note, however, that we may retain personal information if we have sufficient legal grounds (for example, to defend against legal action, freedom of expression, or some other legal obligations), and we will notify you if this is the case.
If you have asked us to erase your personal information that we have disclosed for you and there are reasons for doing so, we will take reasonable effort to try to tell others who are currently displaying your personal information or providing links to such information to erase it as well.
Restrict processing to storage only
In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to stop processing the personal information we hold about you and to store only such information. Please note, however, that after we stop processing personal information, we may use it again if we have a good reason to process it in accordance with data protection laws (for example, to defend against legal action or to protect another person).
If we agree to stop processing personal information, we will attempt to tell any third parties to whom we have disclosed such personal information so that they can also stop processing it.
You can request that we stop processing the personal information we hold about you and store it only if:
You have the right to receive copies of certain personal information we collect from you. As described in the “How we use your information” section, this includes any personal information we process with your consent (e.g., voluntary profile data, social media content posted to Moments and videos, and content that we choose to store in your “favorites”), as well as any personal information processed under our contract with you (e.g. profile data). You are entitled to receive this information in a structured, commonly used and machine-recognizable format. You also have the right to request that we transfer this personal information to another party. You may exercise your right to export your data by contacting our Data Protection Officer.
If you wish us to transfer personal information to a third party, please be sure to specify the recipient in detail. Please note that we will only do so if technically feasible. When a third party receives personal information, we are no longer responsible for its security or its processing. We may also not provide you with certain personal information if it interferes with the rights of the other party (for example, providing personal information we hold about you may reveal information about another person or our trade secrets or intellectual property).
If we use your personal information to protect our legitimate interests, you may object to this (for example, we use your personal information to ensure the security of your account, for example, to prevent malicious logins). If you have any objection to such processing, please contact our Data Protection Officer. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations, you may withdraw any prior consent you have given us.
How do we notify you of changes?
From time to time, we may modify or add specific statements, policies and terms of this Policy. These statements, policies, and terms form part of Policy. If we make any material changes to Policy that you need to be aware of, we will post the updated Privacy Policy through this link and notify you by Wonderclass or other means before the changes take effect.
This policy may be available in multiple languages including English and Simplified Chinese, and in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the English and other language versions, the Simplified/Chinese version shall prevail.
Last updated: April 1, 2021
The following sections apply to residents outside the European Economic Area:
You can discontinue these services at any time by updating your profile and change or update your profile at any time by simply logging into your Wonderclass account to edit it under “Account Information” or by call (400-088-8366 for mainland China, non-Chinese mainland users can contact us at 86 400-088-8366) for modifications. We will use all possible technical means to ensure that you may access, update, correct, delete your registration information or other personal information provided when using our Services. When accessing, updating, correcting, and deleting the aforementioned information, we may require you to verify your identity in order to safeguard your account.
In addition, you may exercise the additional rights afforded to you by law in accordance with the relevant legal provisions of your location, depending on your place of residence.
4.Information we may share
4.1 We and our affiliates will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent, except in the following circumstances.
We, and our affiliates, may share your personal information with our affiliates, partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers who send email or push notifications on our behalf, mapping service providers who provide us with location data), who may not be located in your geographic area, for the following purposes:
a) to provide our services;
b) to achieve the purposes described in the “How we may use information” section;
c) to fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in the Course Services or in Policy;
d) to understand, maintain and improve our services.
4.2 If we or our affiliates share your personal information with any our such third parties, we will endeavor to ensure that such third parties comply with this Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures that we require them to observe when using your personal information.
4.2.1 As our business continues to grow, we and our affiliates may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you prior to the transfer.
4.2.2 We or our affiliates may also retain, store or disclose your personal information for the purpose of:
a) to comply with applicable laws and regulations;
b) to comply with the provisions of court orders or other legal proceedings;
c) to comply with the requirements of the relevant government agencies;
d) for the purposes reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations or to protect the personal and property safety or legitimate rights and interests of our customers, us or our group companies, other users or employees.
4.3 We may work with our partners to organize marketing campaigns and share with them some information generated during the campaign that is necessary to complete the campaign so that you can participate in the campaign and our partners may contact you in a timely manner to distribute prizes.
4.4 Third-party SDK service providers: In order to provide users with better service and user experience, our products may contain third-party SDKs, please consider carefully when authorizing third parties to use such information. The following is a list of third-party SDK service providers:
4.4.1 Product Name: Sing Sound
Usage Scenario Description: Used to provide you with in-class speech recognition. Need to collect your voice information
Personal information Type: personal common device information, personal biometric information
Personal Information Field: Audio information, device model, public IP address
Name of third-party company: Beijing Sing Sound Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.2 Product Name: Agora
Usage Scenario Description: Used to provide live streaming, audio and video playback services
Personal information type: personal common device information
Personal information field: device type, device Model, CPU information, storage information, operating system information, network condition-related information (IP address, signal strength information, network type, user agent, Bluetooth on information), information related to the interaction of audio network product (user ID of the sender and receiver, user attributes, channel information, length of use, name set in the channel, logs), audio and video information within the channel;
Name of third-party company: Shanghai Zhaoyan Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.3 Product Name: SENSORS Data
Usage Scenario Description: Collecting load failure information for course content
Personal Information Type: personal common device information
Personal Information Field: IDFA, operating system, device model, device manufacturer, system version, Android ID, etc.
Name of third-party company: Shence Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.4 Product Name: Tencent Cloud Audio and Video
Usage Scenario Description: For the provision of live, audio and video playback services
Personal Information Type: personal common device information
Personal Information Fields: get your network permissions, camera permissions, and microphone permissions, collect your device information (device type, device model, CPU information, storage information, operating system information), network condition-related information (IP address, signal strength information, network type, user agent, Bluetooth on information), Audio network product interaction-related information (send and receive user ID, user attributes, channel information, length of use, channel setting name, log), audio and video information
Name of third-party company: Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.5 Product Name: Alibaba Cloud Business
Usage Scenario Description: Performance Monitoring - Gather information about loading failure of device performance Hot Fix - Fix loading failure of device performance One Click Login - Used for quick login at login time
Personal information type: personal common device information
Personal information field: device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and hardware and software features such as IMEI, IDFA, OAID, and other device identifiers, and information about the location of the device
Name of a third-party company: Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.6 Product Name: YIDUN
Usage Scenario Description: In the login process, use the slider method for identity security verification
Personal information type: personal common device information
Personal information Field: User’s device information, log information, application information
Name of a third-party company: Hangzhou NetEase YIDUN Technology Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.7 Product Name: WeChat Open Platform
Usage Scenario Description: In-app third-party account login, user autonomy to share the results of the shooting to WeChat, in-app payment
Personal Information Type: personal common device information
Personal Information Field: Unique Device Identification Number, Network Information
Name of a third-party company: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
4.4.8 Product Name: Bugly
Usage Scenario Description: Addressing Monitoring Device Crashes, Flashbacks, etc.
Personal information type: personal common device information
Personal information field: device model, operating system version, device settings, MAC address and hardware and software features such as IMEI, IDFA, OAID and other device identifiers, location of the device related information
Name of a third-party company: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Link:
Detailed list: https://wonder-h5.61wonder.com/account/protocol/sdk
4.5 If you are a resident of the European Economic Area or California, please refer to the Instructions section of Policy for EEA or California residents.
The terms of this appendix apply to California residents
The terms of this Appendix apply to California residents under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and other applicable laws. the CCPA provides California residents with certain legal rights, such as the right to access, delete, disclose, or “not sell”. These rights are not absolute and some exceptions exist.
The collection and disclosure of personal information
In the past 12 months, through your use of Wonderclass, we may have collected and disclosed personal information from or about the following categories of consumers as defined by the CCPA:
We collect personal information for the following purposes:
To learn additional information about the purpose for which each personal information is used, please refer to this chart in the main body section of the Privacy Policy.
We disclose personal information to the following types of subjects:
During the past 12 months, we have not sold the personal information of California residents in a manner defined as "for sale" by the CCPA.
Rights under CCPA:
The types of personal information we collect about you.
The type of source of the personal information collected.
The purposes for which your personal information is collected.
the categories of third parties to whom we disclose your personal information, the categories of personal information disclosed (if applicable) and the purposes for which personal information about you is disclosed; and
The specific personal information we collect about you.
We are committed to meeting all reasonable requests from you within 45 days in accordance with CCPA. If necessary, we will extend it for another 45 days with an explanation of the delay.
How to exercise your rights
First, you may want to sign in to your account and manage your data in that interface.
If you are a California resident to whom the CCPA applies, you may contact us to exercise your rights to other data, if any. Last updated: April 1, 2021
5.Information Security
5.1 We will retain your personal information as described in the table below, except where we are required by law to retain such data separately. If you or we terminate your account for any reason, we will take steps (subject to technical restrictions) within a reasonable period of time after the termination of this account to ensure that your personal information is no longer available through Wonderclass or cannot otherwise be used by us.
Tapes of Information | Retention period |
Registration information | Until you instruct Wonderclass to delete your account or not sign in for 180 days. Your account will be permanently deleted within 60 days of verifying account ownership and account deletion request. |
Login data | Information is retained for 3 months from the date of login. |
User profile search data | Until you request the deletion or revision of personal information, or your account is deleted, whichever is earlier. |
Profile (available to all users) | Until you request the deletion or revision of personal information, or your account is deleted, whichever is earlier (however, data cached in third-party services may still be available). |
Personal information (available to all users) | Until you request the deletion or revision of personal information, or your account is deleted, whichever is earlier (however, data cached in third-party services may still be available). |
Other account security | Until you request the deletion or revision of personal information, or your account is deleted, whichever is earlier (however, data cached in third-party services may still be available) |
Chatting record - Non-persistent and semi-persistent communication between users | The data is retained for 120 hours from the start of the relevant interaction and then permanently deleted. |
Chatting record - Media such as images, videos, audio, and files | The data is retained for 72 hours from the start of the related interaction and then permanently deleted. |
Contact list | Until you request the deletion or revision of personal information, or your account is deleted, whichever is earlier. |
Location-based services and location-based media | The data is retained for 72 hours from the start of the related interaction and then permanently deleted. |
Provide third-party products and services (i.e., you are a provider of official account or applet) | Until you instruct Wonderclass to delete your account. Your account will be permanently deleted within 60 days of verifying account ownership and account deletion requests. Please note that information disclosed to third parties is controlled by third parties. We will make reasonable efforts to seek their deletion of such information as we do. |
Information provided to customer service | Until you instruct Wonderclass to delete your account. Your account will be permanently deleted within 60 days of requesting account deletion. |
Metadata/log data | Data is retained for 3 months from the date of login and then permanently deleted. |
Device data | Until you instruct Wonderclass to delete your account. Your account will be permanently deleted within 60 days of requesting account deletion. |
Cookie | Data is retained for 3 months from the date of login and then permanently deleted |
A detailed description of the information data is contained in the section “How we use your information” above.
If we are required to retain your information beyond the required retention period specified above (e.g., to comply with applicable law), we will store it separately from other types of personal information.
5.2 In order to safeguard the security of your information, Wonderclass will take the necessary steps to protect your information at the current level of technology and take physical, technical, and administrative security measures to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and change, including but not limited to transmission layer data encryption, firewall and encryption storage, physical access control, and information access authorization control. To this end, we have set up security procedures to protect your information from unauthorized access. All personal information is stored and encrypted within professional firewalls, and you understand that your information may be leaked, destroyed or lost due to the variety of unforeseen or insurmountable malicious means available to you, even if Wonderclass does its best to do so.
5.3 Before credit or saving card data is transmitted to Wonderclass via the internet, it is encrypted by Wonderclass’s secure servers. At the time of login, Wonderclass also insists on password authentication to prevent unauthorized access to your profile and learning records. If a data breach exposes your rights and freedoms to risk, we will notify the supervisory authority and the data subject within 72 hours. Data subjects have the right to lodge complaints with the supervisory authority.
5.4 When you use the Wonderclass service, please take good care of your Wonderclass account number and its password, and we will identify you through your account number and password. Once you disclose your Wonderclass account and password, you may lose your information and there may be legal consequences against you. You should contact us immediately if you become aware that your Wonderclass account and password have been or will be compromised for any reason, but we shall have no liability unless and until we become aware of such and act on it within a reasonable time.
5.5 You can check or modify your account settings and information at any time by logging into your account.
5.6 You may also request that you close your Wonderclass account by calling us on 0800 088 8366 (86 400 088 8366 for non-China users) or by contacting us via Customer Service. If you close your Wonderclass account, we will mark your account accordingly in our database.
6.The information you share
Our Services allow you to publicly share information about you not only with your social networks, but also with other users who use the Services, such as information you upload or post on our Services (including personal information you disclose), your responses to information uploaded or posted by others, and location data and log information related to such information. Other users of our Services may also share information about you, (including location data and log information).
As long as you do not delete the shared information, the information remains in the public domain, and even if you delete the shared information, it may still be cached, copied or stored independently by other users or non-affiliated third parties outside our control, or stored in the public domain by other users or such third parties.
Therefore, please carefully consider whether to upload, post and communicate relevant information through our Services. In some cases, you may request the removal or modification of your relevant information from our Services by contacting us.
7. Sensitive Personal Information You Share
7.1 Certain personal information may be considered sensitive personal information, such as your race, religion, personal health, and medical information, due to its particularity. Sensitive personal information is subject to more stringent protection than other personal information.
7.2 Please note that the content and information you provide, upload or post (such as photos of your social activities) when you use our services may reveal sensitive personal information about you. You need to carefully consider whether to disclose sensitive personal information when using our Services.
7.3 By posting your sensitive personal information with Wonderclass, you consent to the processing of your sensitive personal information for the purposes and in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.
8.How we may collect and use cookies and web beacons
8.1 We, or our third-party partners, may collect and use your information through cookies and store such information as log information.
8.2 We use our own cookies with the aim of providing you with a more personalized user experience and services and to remember your identity for the following purposes:
8.2.1 Remember your identity. For example, cookies help us to identify you as our registered user or to store preferences or other information that you provide to us about yourself;
8.2.2 Analyze your use of our services. For example, we may use cookies to find out what activities you use our services for, or which pages or services are most popular with you;
8.2.3 Advertising optimization. Cookies and web beacons help us provide you with advertisements related to our services based on your information.
8.3 While we use cookies for the above purposes, we may provide non-personally identifiable information collected through cookies, statistically processed, to advertisers or other partners for the purpose of analyzing how users use our services and for the purpose of serving our advertisements.
8.4 Cookies and web beacons placed by advertisers or other partners may be on our products and services. These cookies and web beacons may collect non-personally identifiable information about you to analyze how users use the services, to send you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. These third-party cookies and web beacons collect and use such information, which is not governed by Policy, but by the privacy policies of the relevant users, and we are not responsible for cookies or web beacons by third parties.
8.5 You can reject or manage cookies through your browser settings. Please note, however, that if cookies or web beacons are deactivated, you may not be able to enjoy the best experience of the Services and some Services may not work properly.
8.6 Our website records the IP address and browser type of your device, the user’s browsing behavior and operational behavior, etc. , but we do not link this data to anything that identifies you. This means that we track the usage of our members, but they remain invisible. The reason we record this information is to identify customer usage patterns and site usage to help us improve the design and layout of Wonderclass.
9.Advertising Services
9.1 We may use your information to provide you with advertisements that are more relevant to you.
9.2 We may also use your information to send you marketing messages through our Services, e-mail or other means to provide or promote the following goods and services from us or third parties:
9.2.1 our goods or services, the goods or services of our affiliates and partners (collectively, “Wonderclass Services”);
9.2.2 third-party Internet service providers;
9.3 if you do not want us to use your personal information for the purposes mentioned above, you may request us to stop the usage for the aforementioned purposes, either through the relevant tips we provide in the advertisement or by contacting our Data Protection Officer.
10.Mailings and Messages we may send you
10.1 Mail and Message Push
When you use our Services, we may use your information to send e-mail, news, or push notifications to your device. If you do not wish to receive this message, you may opt-out of your subscription on your device by following our instructions.
10.2 Service-related announcements
We may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary, such as when a service is suspended due to system maintenance. You may not be able to cancel these announcements that are service-related and not promotional in nature.
11. Use of our services by minors
Parents or guardians are encouraged to direct minors to use our services in accordance with local laws. We recommend minors to encourage their parents or guardians to read Policy and to seek parental or guardian consent and guidance before submitting personal information.
12. How we protect the personal information of minors
12.1 We attach great importance to the protection of information of minors, if you are a minor, please ask your parents or guardians to carefully read Policy and the Children Privacy Policy, and with the consent of your parents or guardians to use our services or provide us with information. In cases where we collect personal information from minors with the consent of their parents or guardians to use our products or services, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose this information as permitted by law or regulation, with the express consent of the parent or guardian, or as necessary to protect the minor. We will protect minors’ personal information under the principles of due necessity, informed consent, express purpose, security and lawful use pursuant to applicable laws and regulations as well as this Policy.
12.2 In order to strengthen the protection of the personal information of minors, in addition to following the other provisions under this Policy, we will also follow the principles of due necessity, informed consent, express purpose, security and lawful use pursuant to applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of Policy, as follows:
12.2.1 We store the information collected by minors and the personal information of users other than minors separately, and we will take no less encrypted measures than our industry counterparts to store minor information and ensure the security of minors’ information.
12.2.2 We will designate a person to be responsible for the protection of minors’ information, and any staff member who accesses the minors’ personal information must be approved in writing by the minor information protection officer (including e-mail, SMS, WeChat and other electronic information interaction methods) and a written record of the access will be formed;
12.2.3 Where we transfer the personal information of a minor to a third party, we will, in addition to obtaining the consent of the minor’s guardians again and satisfying the above-mentioned principles, carry out a security assessment ourselves or commission a third-party organization and produce a written assessment report.
13. Modification
We may modify the terms of Policy from time to time, and such modification form part of this Policy. If such modifications result in a material reduction in your rights under Policy, we will notify you before the modifications take effect by prominently displaying a notice on our home page or by sending you an email or otherwise. In such case, you may choose to discontinue the use of our Services if you do not agree to the modified content, and if you continue to use our Services, you agree to be bound by this modified Privacy Policy.
14.Contact us
If you have questions about personal information or other complaints, comments or suggestions, you may contact us as follows, and we will review the content as soon as possible and respond to your questions, complaints, comments and suggestions within 15 business days.
Operating entity: Guangdong Happy Seed Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: Building C5, Phase II, Headquarters Economic Zone, East Science City, Yingri Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou Tel: 400-088-8366 (Non-Chinese mainland users can call: 86 400-088-8366)
Contact information for Data Protection Office
Data Protection Officer: Zhang Jie
Email: security@happy-seed.com
Tel: 400-088-8366
Release date: 21 March 2021
Effective date: 21 March 2021